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Soup Is On!

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blog-pic-2.jpgThere is nothing as wonderful as warm cup of soup on a chilly evening in this Polish Pottery Mug.

As the temperature cools outside soup is Fall/Winter’s great comfort food.

A fast easy recipe that is sure to please a crowd is Zucchini Soup.
5 cups of water
7 chicken Boullion cubes
7 medium Zucchini peeled and diced
1 8 OZ package of Cream Cheese

Bring water to a boil. Then add bullion cubes and zucchini boil for 10 minutes. Add cream cheese. Using a hand blender blend soup until creamy. Season with fresh ground pepper. Serve with crusty bread.
Serve this in one of our Polish Pottery Soup Tureens. Nobody has to know this delicious recipe only took a few minutes to make!